quinta-feira, 11 de março de 2010

Rosa Ramalho

Rosa Ramalho was born on August 14th, 1888, in Galegos S. Martinho – Barcelos. Daughter of a shoemaker and a weaver, at 18 she got married and had 3 children. Since her childhood she had worked with clay, but for a period of time she interrupted this activity to take care of the family. By the death of her husband, at 68, she returned to work with clay and began to create pieces that left her famous. Her pieces were of such a beauty and they were both dramatic and whimsical/charismatic at the same time and she created with an extraordinary imagination. These pieces that she created distinguished her than other potters and gave her a fame that has crossed frontiers.

Her work is continued today by her granddaughter, Júlia Ramalho.

The Rooster of Barcelos

“Personalities of our City” is our theme of Etwinnig Project. We remember that a personality doesn’t have to be a person and for that we chose the famous “Galo de Barcelos” (Barcelos’ Rooster, in the image). The Rooster is the most important feature of our country. It was born in our parish called Galegos Santa Maria.

The Rooster of Barcelos rose when a legend became, rapidly, very popular. Barcelos’ city is known for the workmanship and between other things, here Barcelenses’ workers made that in porcelain and crockery, in every colours and sizes, because who visits the city, doesn’t resist buying a Rooster.

The legend of Barcelos’ Rooster was making many changes, because it is being spread about doesn’t be very correct, but what is written, is this: The legend of the Barcelos’ rooster tells the miraculous intervention of a dead rooster in the proof of the innocence of a man wrongly accused. "... The habitants of the Burgo went alarmed with the crime and even more for not having discovered the author. One day came a Galician who became immediately suspicious of that crime, since they hadn’t yet found the criminal. The local authorities decided to arrest him and despite their oaths of innocence, nobody believed him. Nobody thought that the Galician credible if it heads to Santiago de Compostela in fulfillment of a promise as was tradition at the time, and be faithful devotee of S. Paulo and the Virgin Mary. So he was sentenced to be hanged. Before being hanged, asked to be taken before the court which had sentenced to such a fate. The authorization was granted, and took him to the presence of the said magistrate, who at that time delighted and feasted with friends. The Galician reaffirmed his innocence, and to the amazement of those present pointed to a roast chicken that was the center of a large table, exclaiming "It's so clear I am innocent, as certain is that rooster to crow. Everyone laughed but nobody touched the cock. What seemed impossible happened. When the pilgrim was being hanged, the cock stood up and sang at the table! After such an event no one doubted the innocence of the Pilgrim. The Judge went to the gallows and horrified to see the poor man's rope around his neck, but the knot lasso, preventing bottlenecks. The man was immediately released and sent in peace. A few years later, he returned to Barcelos and built the monument in honor of the Virgin and Santiago ....."

Fonte: http://www.cm-barcelos.pt

quarta-feira, 3 de março de 2010

Alcaides de Faria

Na sequência de Portugal ter sido invadido, pelas tropas de Castela aquando da sua guerra com esta, foram envidas forças vindas do Porto e Barcelos para enfrentar os adversários. As forças barcelenses estavam a cargo de Nuno Gonçalves de Faria, alcaide do Castelo de Faria.
Sucede-se um confronto em Barcelos e o exército português sai derrotado, e o Alcaide de Faria é capturado. Este receando que a sua liberdade fosse usada em troca da posse do Castelo, guarnecido pelo seu filho, desenvolveu uma estratégia.
Assim, convenceu o Comandante de Castela a levá-lo diante de seu filho com o pretexto de o convencer a render-se, aproveitou a oportunidade para convencer o filho a resistir, sob a pena de maldição. Posto isto, foi morto pelos espanhóis perante o seu filho, e pela coragem demonstrada o Castelo resistiu ao assalto. Vitorioso, o filho enveredou pelo sacerdócio, vindo o Castelo a ser sucedido por um Mosteiro.

Alcaides de Faria

Following Portugal was invaded by the troops of Castela at the time of war with this, were sent forces coming from Porto and Barcelos to face the opponents. Barcelenses forces were in charge of Nuno Gonçalves de Faria, alcayde of Castle Faria.
Is being followed by a confrontation in Barcelos and the Portuguese army was defeated, and the Alcayde of Castle Faria is captured. He was afraid that his freedom was used in exchange for possession of the castle, manned by his son, and developed a strategy.
Thus, convinced the Commander of Castela to take it in front of his son with the pretext to convince him to surrender took the opportunity to convince his son to stand in the penalty curse.
That said, was killed by the Spanish people before his son, and because of the courage the castle resisted the assault. Victorious, the son has chosen the priesthood, coming from the castle to be succeeded by a monastery.

sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010

D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, Count of Barcelos

Nuno Álvares Pereira was born in 24th June 1360. Where? Nobody knows exactly where he was born, but “Cernache de Bonjardim” and “Flor da Rosa” are two strong possibilities. He was ordered knight with only 13 years old and he married with D. Leonor Alvim with 16 years old, with his parents’ pression. They had 3 children: two boys, who died at birth, and a daughter, Beatriz.D. Nuno Álvares Pereira was considered the responsible for the Portuguese victory in the Battle of Aljubarrota. That way, he received the tittle of Count of Arraiolos and Count of Barcelos (our land).
He died in 1st April 1431. The history says that D. Duarte said he has lost his biggest friend and the King, his father, said he has always been one of his eyes.
In July of 2008 Nuno Álvares Pereira was canonised with the name of Saint Nuno de Santa Maria Álvares Pereira.

Nuno Álvares Pereira nasceu a 24 de Julho de 1360. Onde? Ninguém sabe ao certo onde nasceu, mas Cernache de Bonjardim e Flor da Rosa são duas forte possibilidades. Foi ordenado cavaleiro com apenas 13 anos de idade e casou com D. Leonor Alvim com 16 anos, com a pressão de seus pais. Tiveram 3 filhos: dois rapazes, que morreram à nascença, e uma filha, Beatriz.
D. Nuno Álvares Pereira foi considerado o responsável pela vitória portuguesa na Batalha de Aljubarrota, Desta forma recebeu o titulo de Conde de Arraiolos e de Conde de Barcelos (a nossa terra).
Morreu a 1 de Setembro de 1431. A história conta que D. Duarte disse que havia perdido o seu maior amigo e o Rei, seu pai, disse que D. Nuno havia sido sempre um dos seus lhos.
Em Julho de 2008 Nuno Álvares Pereira foi canonizado com o nome de S. Nuno de Santa Maria Álvares Pereira.